ISO New England Web Services API v1.1


ISO New England provides a RESTFul interface to energy and market data. The base path for these Web Services is

WADL is available here:

All data feeds are available in XML and JSON formats. The desired format can be specified either by adding the appropriate file extension to the request URL (.xml or .json), or by including the appropriate HTTP Accept Header (application/xml or application/json).


In order to utilize ISO New England's RESTFul interface, your client must support HTTP Basic Authentication over SSL. If you do not have credentials, you can apply for access by visiting ISO Express.


ISO New England's Web Services API supports a Representational State Transfer (REST) model for accessing a set of resources through a fixed set of operations. The following resources are accessible through the RESTful model:


All endpoints act on a common set of data. The data can be represented in different data formats (i.e. MIME types), depending on the endpoint that consumes and/or produces the data. The data can described by XML Schema, which definitively describes the XML representation of the data, but is also useful for describing the other formats of the data, such as JSON.

This document will describe the data using terms based on XML Schema. Data can be grouped by namespace, with a schema document describing the elements and types of the namespace. Generally speaking, types define the structure of the data and elements are instances of a type. For example, elements are usually produced by (or consumed by) a REST endpoint, and the structure of each element is described by its type.

Data Schemas

id namespace schema file
ns1 Default Namespace ns1.xsd
ns0 ns0.xsd

XML Data Elements

XML Data Types


REST Endpoints

XML Data Elements

XML Data Types