Data: ns0
- Namespace:
- XML Schema File: ns0.xsd
The data in this namespace is divided into elements and types. Types define the structure of the data. Elements define specific instances of the types, and are therefore more relevant to REST endpoints, which generally consume and/or produce elements.
The following elements are members of this namespace:
- ActualFifteenMinInterchange
- ActualFifteenMinInterchanges
- ActualInterchange
- ActualInterchanges
- CapacityScarcityCondition
- CapacityScarcityConditions
- CombinedHourlyDemand
- CombinedHourlyDemands
- DailyFrmThresholdPrice
- DailyFrmThresholdPrices
- DailyOfferThreshPrice
- DailyOfferThreshPrices
- DayAheadConstraint
- DayAheadConstraints
- DayAheadLmpAvgCongestion
- DayAheadLmpAvgCongestions
- DayAheadPrdClearing
- DayAheadPrdClearings
- DayAheadVirtualProxy
- DayAheadVirtualProxys
- DrDispatch
- DrDispatches
- DrtpResult
- DrtpResults
- ExternalFlow
- ExternalFlows
- FCMBilateralResults
- FCMRAResults
- FifteenMinBc
- FifteenMinBcs
- FifteenMinLmp
- FifteenMinLmps
- FinalHourlyReservePrice
- FinalHourlyReservePrices
- FiveMinLmp
- FiveMinLmps
- FiveMinRcp
- FiveMinRcps
- FiveMinReservePrice
- FiveMinReservePrices
- FiveMinSystemLoad
- FiveMinSystemLoads
- FtrAuctionClearingPrice
- FtrAuctionClearingPrices
- FtrAuctionResult
- FtrAuctionResults
- GenFuelMix
- GenFuelMixes
- HbDayAheadArdBids
- HbDayAheadDemandBid
- HbDayAheadDemandBids
- HbDayAheadDrrBids
- HbDayAheadEnergyOffers
- HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffer
- HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffers
- Hbfcmara
- Hbfcmaras
- Hbfcmmra
- Hbfcmmras
- HbForwardReserveAuctionOffer
- HbForwardReserveAuctionOffers
- HbFTRAuction
- HbFTRAuctions
- HbImportExport
- HbImportExports
- HbRealTimeArdBids
- HbRealTimeDrrBids
- HbRealTimeEnergyOffers
- HbRegulationOffer
- HbRegulationOffers
- HourlyBAInterchange
- HourlyBAInterchanges
- HourlyDaDemand
- HourlyDaDemands
- HourlyDaOperatingReserve
- HourlyDaOperatingReserves
- HourlyLmp
- HourlyLmps
- HourlyLoadForecast
- HourlyLoadForecasts
- HourlyLoadGenInterchange
- HourlyLoadGenInterchanges
- HourlyPeakEnergyRent
- HourlyPeakEnergyRents
- HourlyRcp
- HourlyRcps
- HourlyRtDemand
- HourlyRtDemands
- HourlyRtOperatingReserve
- HourlyRtOperatingReserves
- HourlySystemLoad
- HourlySystemLoads
- LmpIndex
- LmpIndexes
- LoadZoneNCPC
- LoadZoneNCPCs
- Location
- LocationRef
- Locations
- MonthlyLmpIndex
- MonthlyLmpIndexes
- MonthlyNetworkLoad
- MonthlyNetworkLoads
- MonthlyPeakEnergyRent
- MonthlyPeakEnergyRents
- MorningReport
- MorningReports
- NCPCMonthlyAsset
- NCPCMonthlyAssets
- Op4Alert
- Op4Alerts
- Outage
- Outages
- PerformanceScore
- PerformanceScores
- PowerSystemCondition
- PowerSystemConditions
- PowerSystemRegion
- PowerSystemRegions
- PowerSystemStatus
- PrelimHourlyReservePrice
- PrelimHourlyReservePrices
- PriceRespEvent
- PriceRespEvents
- RealTimeConstraint
- RealTimeConstraints
- ReliabilityRegionLoadForecast
- ReliabilityRegionLoadForecasts
- Schedule2VarStatus
- Schedules2VarStatus
- SeasonalPeakHourData
- SeasonalPeakHoursData
- ServiceInfo
- SevenDayForecast
- SevenDayForecasts
- SevenDayWindForecast
- SevenDayWindForecasts
- SingleSrcContingencyLimit
- SingleSrcContingencyLimits
- Station
- Stations
- SupplyCurvePair
- SupplyCurvePairs
- Ttc
- Ttcs
- WeeklyLmpIndex
- WeeklyLmpIndexes
- WhlseCost
- WhlseCosts
- Years
The following types are members of this namespace:
- type_ActualFifteenMinInterchange
- type_ActualFifteenMinInterchanges
- type_ActualInterchange
- type_ActualInterchanges
- type_AlertAction
- type_AlertStatus
- type_AreaType
- type_Auction
- type_BCType
- type_BilatClearedCapacityZone
- type_BilatClearedCapacityZones
- type_BilatClearedInterface
- type_BilatClearedInterfaces
- type_BilatSystemResult
- type_CapacityRef
- type_CapacityScarcityCondition
- type_CapacityScarcityConditions
- type_CityForecastDetail
- type_CityWeather
- type_ClearedCapacityZone
- type_ClearedCapacityZones
- type_ClearedInterface
- type_ClearedInterfaces
- type_CombinedHourlyDemand
- type_CombinedHourlyDemands
- type_Constraint
- type_DailyFrmThresholdPrice
- type_DailyFrmThresholdPrices
- type_DailyOfferThreshPrice
- type_DailyOfferThreshPrices
- type_DayAheadConstraint
- type_DayAheadConstraints
- type_DayAheadLmpAvgCongestion
- type_DayAheadLmpAvgCongestions
- type_DayAheadPrdClearing
- type_DayAheadPrdClearings
- type_DayAheadVirtualProxy
- type_DayAheadVirtualProxys
- type_Demand
- type_DrDispatch
- type_DrDispatches
- type_DrtpResult
- type_DrtpResults
- type_ExternalFlow
- type_ExternalFlows
- type_FCMBilateralResult
- type_FCMBilateralResults
- type_FCMRAResult
- type_FCMRAResults
- type_FifteenMinBc
- type_FifteenMinBcs
- type_FifteenMinLmp
- type_FifteenMinLmps
- type_FinalHourlyReservePrice
- type_FinalHourlyReservePrices
- type_FiveMinLmp
- type_FiveMinLmps
- type_FiveMinRcp
- type_FiveMinRcps
- type_FiveMinReservePrice
- type_FiveMinReservePrices
- type_FiveMinSystemLoad
- type_FiveMinSystemLoads
- type_FlagYn
- type_FtrAuctionClearingPrice
- type_FtrAuctionClearingPrices
- type_FtrAuctionResult
- type_FtrAuctionResults
- type_GenFuelMix
- type_GenFuelMixes
- type_HbArdBid
- type_HbDayAheadArdBids
- type_HbDayAheadDemandBid
- type_HbDayAheadDemandBids
- type_HbDayAheadDrrBids
- type_HbDayAheadEnergyOffers
- type_HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffer
- type_HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffers
- type_HbDrrBid
- type_HbEnergyOffer
- type_Hbfcmara
- type_Hbfcmaras
- type_Hbfcmmra
- type_Hbfcmmras
- type_HbForwardReserveAuctionOffer
- type_HbForwardReserveAuctionOffers
- type_HbFTRAuction
- type_HbFTRAuctions
- type_HbImportExport
- type_HbImportExports
- type_HbRealTimeArdBids
- type_HbRealTimeDrrBids
- type_HbRealTimeEnergyOffers
- type_HbRegulationOffer
- type_HbRegulationOffers
- type_HourlyBAInterchange
- type_HourlyBAInterchanges
- type_HourlyDaDemand
- type_HourlyDaDemands
- type_HourlyDaOperatingReserve
- type_HourlyDaOperatingReserves
- type_HourlyLmp
- type_HourlyLmps
- type_HourlyLoadForecast
- type_HourlyLoadForecasts
- type_HourlyLoadGenInterchange
- type_HourlyLoadGenInterchanges
- type_HourlyPeakEnergyRent
- type_HourlyPeakEnergyRents
- type_HourlyRcp
- type_HourlyRcps
- type_HourlyRtDemand
- type_HourlyRtDemands
- type_HourlyRtOperatingReserve
- type_HourlyRtOperatingReserves
- type_HourlySystemLoad
- type_HourlySystemLoads
- type_InterchangeDetail
- type_InterfaceFlow
- type_ISOParticipation
- type_Lmp
- type_LmpIndex
- type_LmpIndexes
- type_LoadZoneNCPC
- type_LoadZoneNCPCs
- type_Location
- type_LocationRef
- type_Locations
- type_LocationType
- type_MarketDateData
- type_MarketDateInfo
- type_MarketDay
- type_MarketDays
- type_MonthlyLmpIndex
- type_MonthlyLmpIndexes
- type_MonthlyNetworkLoad
- type_MonthlyNetworkLoads
- type_MonthlyPeakEnergyRent
- type_MonthlyPeakEnergyRents
- type_MonthlyResult
- type_MonthlyResults
- type_MorningReport
- type_MorningReports
- type_NCPC
- type_NCPCMonthlyAsset
- type_NCPCMonthlyAssets
- type_NCPCs
- type_NCPCType
- type_NetworkPnodeType
- type_Op4Alert
- type_Op4Alerts
- type_OperatingReserve
- type_Outage
- type_Outages
- type_PerformanceScore
- type_PerformanceScores
- type_Period
- type_PowerSystemCondition
- type_PowerSystemConditions
- type_PowerSystemRegion
- type_PowerSystemRegions
- type_PowerSystemStatus
- type_PrelimHourlyReservePrice
- type_PrelimHourlyReservePrices
- type_PriceRespEvent
- type_PriceRespEvents
- type_Rcp
- type_RealTimeConstraint
- type_RealTimeConstraints
- type_RegionStatus
- type_RegStatus
- type_ReliabilityRegionLoadForecast
- type_ReliabilityRegionLoadForecasts
- type_ReserveLocRef
- type_ReservePrice
- type_Schedule2VarStatus
- type_Schedules2VarStatus
- type_SeasonalPeakHourData
- type_SeasonalPeakHoursData
- type_Segment
- type_Segment2
- type_Segments
- type_Segments2
- type_ServiceInfo
- type_SevenDayForecast
- type_SevenDayForecasts
- type_SevenDayWindForecast
- type_SevenDayWindForecasts
- type_SingleSrcContingencyLimit
- type_SingleSrcContingencyLimits
- type_Station
- type_Stations
- type_SupplyCurvePair
- type_SupplyCurvePairs
- type_SystemDemandCurveResults
- type_SystemResults
- type_TieDelivery
- type_Ttc
- type_TtcLocation
- type_TtcLocations
- type_Ttcs
- type_UnitStatus
- type_UnitStatus2
- type_Weather
- type_WeeklyLmpIndex
- type_WeeklyLmpIndexes
- type_WhlseCost
- type_WhlseCosts
- type_Years
Element ActualFifteenMinInterchange
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ActualFifteenMinInterchange xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element ActualFifteenMinInterchanges
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ActualFifteenMinInterchanges xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "ActualFifteenMinInterchange" elements...-->
Element ActualInterchange
- Type: type_ActualInterchange
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ActualInterchange xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element ActualInterchanges
- Type: type_ActualInterchanges
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ActualInterchanges xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "ActualInterchange" elements...-->
Element CapacityScarcityCondition
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CapacityScarcityCondition xmlns="">
Element CapacityScarcityConditions
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CapacityScarcityConditions xmlns="">
<!--...more "CapacityScarcityCondition" elements...-->
Element CombinedHourlyDemand
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CombinedHourlyDemand xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element CombinedHourlyDemands
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CombinedHourlyDemands xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "CombinedHourlyDemand" elements...-->
Element DailyFrmThresholdPrice
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DailyFrmThresholdPrice xmlns="">
Element DailyFrmThresholdPrices
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DailyFrmThresholdPrices xmlns="">
<!--...more "DailyFrmThresholdPrice" elements...-->
Element DailyOfferThreshPrice
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DailyOfferThreshPrice xmlns="">
Element DailyOfferThreshPrices
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DailyOfferThreshPrices xmlns="">
<!--...more "DailyOfferThreshPrice" elements...-->
Element DayAheadConstraint
- Type: type_DayAheadConstraint
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DayAheadConstraint xmlns="">
Element DayAheadConstraints
- Type: type_DayAheadConstraints
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DayAheadConstraints xmlns="">
<!--...more "DayAheadConstraint" elements...-->
Element DayAheadLmpAvgCongestion
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DayAheadLmpAvgCongestion xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element DayAheadLmpAvgCongestions
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DayAheadLmpAvgCongestions xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "DayAheadLmpAvgCongestion" elements...-->
Element DayAheadPrdClearing
- Type: type_DayAheadPrdClearing
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DayAheadPrdClearing xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element DayAheadPrdClearings
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DayAheadPrdClearings xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "DayAheadPrdClearing" elements...-->
Element DayAheadVirtualProxy
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DayAheadVirtualProxy xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element DayAheadVirtualProxys
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DayAheadVirtualProxys xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "DayAheadVirtualProxy" elements...-->
Element DrDispatch
- Type: type_DrDispatch
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DrDispatch xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element DrDispatches
- Type: type_DrDispatches
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DrDispatches xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "DrDispatch" elements...-->
Element DrtpResult
- Type: type_DrtpResult
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DrtpResult xmlns="">
Element DrtpResults
- Type: type_DrtpResults
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DrtpResults xmlns="">
<!--...more "DrtpResult" elements...-->
Element ExternalFlow
- Type: type_ExternalFlow
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ExternalFlow xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element ExternalFlows
- Type: type_ExternalFlows
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ExternalFlows xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "ExternalFlow" elements...-->
Element FCMBilateralResults
- Type: type_FCMBilateralResults
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FCMBilateralResults xmlns="">
<!--...more "ClearedExternalInterface" elements...-->
<!--...more "ClearedCapacityZone" elements...-->
<!--...more "ClearedExternalInterface" elements...-->
<!--...more "MonthlyResult" elements...-->
<!--...more "FCMBilateralResult" elements...-->
Element FCMRAResults
- Type: type_FCMRAResults
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FCMRAResults xmlns="">
<!--...more "ClearedExternalInterface" elements...-->
<!--...more "ClearedCapacityZone" elements...-->
<!--...more "FCMRAResult" elements...-->
Element FifteenMinBc
- Type: type_FifteenMinBc
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FifteenMinBc xmlns="">
Element FifteenMinBcs
- Type: type_FifteenMinBcs
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FifteenMinBcs xmlns="">
<!--...more "FifteenMinBc" elements...-->
Element FifteenMinLmp
- Type: type_FifteenMinLmp
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FifteenMinLmp xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element FifteenMinLmps
- Type: type_FifteenMinLmps
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FifteenMinLmps xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "FifteenMinLmp" elements...-->
Element FinalHourlyReservePrice
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FinalHourlyReservePrice xmlns="">
Element FinalHourlyReservePrices
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FinalHourlyReservePrices xmlns="">
<!--...more "FinalHourlyReservePrice" elements...-->
Element FiveMinLmp
- Type: type_FiveMinLmp
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FiveMinLmp xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element FiveMinLmps
- Type: type_FiveMinLmps
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FiveMinLmps xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "FiveMinLmp" elements...-->
Element FiveMinRcp
- Type: type_FiveMinRcp
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FiveMinRcp xmlns="">
Element FiveMinRcps
- Type: type_FiveMinRcps
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FiveMinRcps xmlns="">
<!--...more "FiveMinRcp" elements...-->
Element FiveMinReservePrice
- Type: type_FiveMinReservePrice
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FiveMinReservePrice xmlns="">
Element FiveMinReservePrices
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FiveMinReservePrices xmlns="">
<!--...more "FiveMinReservePrice" elements...-->
Element FiveMinSystemLoad
- Type: type_FiveMinSystemLoad
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FiveMinSystemLoad xmlns="">
Element FiveMinSystemLoads
- Type: type_FiveMinSystemLoads
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FiveMinSystemLoads xmlns="">
<!--...more "FiveMinSystemLoad" elements...-->
Element FtrAuctionClearingPrice
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FtrAuctionClearingPrice xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element FtrAuctionClearingPrices
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FtrAuctionClearingPrices xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "FtrAuctionClearingPrice" elements...-->
Element FtrAuctionResult
- Type: type_FtrAuctionResult
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FtrAuctionResult xmlns="">
<SourceLocation LocId="..." LocType="...">...</SourceLocation>
<SinkLocation LocId="..." LocType="...">...</SinkLocation>
Element FtrAuctionResults
- Type: type_FtrAuctionResults
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FtrAuctionResults xmlns="">
<SourceLocation LocId="..." LocType="...">...</SourceLocation>
<SinkLocation LocId="..." LocType="...">...</SinkLocation>
<!--...more "FtrAuctionResult" elements...-->
Element GenFuelMix
- Type: type_GenFuelMix
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GenFuelMix xmlns="">
Element GenFuelMixes
- Type: type_GenFuelMixes
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GenFuelMixes xmlns="">
<!--...more "GenFuelMix" elements...-->
Element HbDayAheadArdBids
- Type: type_HbDayAheadArdBids
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbDayAheadArdBids xmlns="">
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
<!--...more "HbDayAheadArdBid" elements...-->
Element HbDayAheadDemandBid
- Type: type_HbDayAheadDemandBid
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbDayAheadDemandBid xmlns="">
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
Element HbDayAheadDemandBids
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbDayAheadDemandBids xmlns="">
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
<!--...more "HbDayAheadDemandBid" elements...-->
Element HbDayAheadDrrBids
- Type: type_HbDayAheadDrrBids
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbDayAheadDrrBids xmlns="">
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
<!--...more "HbDayAheadDrrBid" elements...-->
Element HbDayAheadEnergyOffers
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbDayAheadEnergyOffers xmlns="">
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
<!--...more "HbDayAheadEnergyOffer" elements...-->
Element HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffer
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffer xmlns="">
Element HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffers
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffers xmlns="">
<!--...more "HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffer" elements...-->
Element Hbfcmara
- Type: type_Hbfcmara
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Hbfcmara xmlns="">
Element Hbfcmaras
- Type: type_Hbfcmaras
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Hbfcmaras xmlns="">
<!--...more "Hbfcmara" elements...-->
Element Hbfcmmra
- Type: type_Hbfcmmra
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Hbfcmmra xmlns="">
Element Hbfcmmras
- Type: type_Hbfcmmras
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Hbfcmmras xmlns="">
<!--...more "Hbfcmmra" elements...-->
Element HbForwardReserveAuctionOffer
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbForwardReserveAuctionOffer xmlns="">
<ReserveZone LocId="...">...</ReserveZone>
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
Element HbForwardReserveAuctionOffers
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbForwardReserveAuctionOffers xmlns="">
<ReserveZone LocId="...">...</ReserveZone>
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
<!--...more "HbForwardReserveAuctionOffer" elements...-->
Element HbFTRAuction
- Type: type_HbFTRAuction
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbFTRAuction xmlns="">
<SourceLocation LocId="..." LocType="...">...</SourceLocation>
<SinkLocation LocId="..." LocType="...">...</SinkLocation>
Element HbFTRAuctions
- Type: type_HbFTRAuctions
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbFTRAuctions xmlns="">
<SourceLocation LocId="..." LocType="...">...</SourceLocation>
<SinkLocation LocId="..." LocType="...">...</SinkLocation>
<!--...more "HbFTRAuction" elements...-->
Element HbImportExport
- Type: type_HbImportExport
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbImportExport xmlns="">
Element HbImportExports
- Type: type_HbImportExports
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbImportExports xmlns="">
<!--...more "HbImportExport" elements...-->
Element HbRealTimeArdBids
- Type: type_HbRealTimeArdBids
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbRealTimeArdBids xmlns="">
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
<!--...more "HbRealTimeArdBid" elements...-->
Element HbRealTimeDrrBids
- Type: type_HbRealTimeDrrBids
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbRealTimeDrrBids xmlns="">
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
<!--...more "HbRealTimeDrrBid" elements...-->
Element HbRealTimeEnergyOffers
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbRealTimeEnergyOffers xmlns="">
<Segment Number="...">
<Segment Number="...">
<!--...more "Segment" elements...-->
<!--...more "HbRealTimeEnergyOffer" elements...-->
Element HbRegulationOffer
- Type: type_HbRegulationOffer
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbRegulationOffer xmlns="">
Element HbRegulationOffers
- Type: type_HbRegulationOffers
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HbRegulationOffers xmlns="">
<!--...more "HbRegulationOffer" elements...-->
Element HourlyBAInterchange
- Type: type_HourlyBAInterchange
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyBAInterchange xmlns="">
<!--...more "InterfaceFlow" elements...-->
Element HourlyBAInterchanges
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyBAInterchanges xmlns="">
<!--...more "InterfaceFlow" elements...-->
<!--...more "HourlyBAInterchange" elements...-->
Element HourlyDaDemand
- Type: type_HourlyDaDemand
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyDaDemand xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element HourlyDaDemands
- Type: type_HourlyDaDemands
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyDaDemands xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "HourlyDaDemand" elements...-->
Element HourlyDaOperatingReserve
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyDaOperatingReserve xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element HourlyDaOperatingReserves
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyDaOperatingReserves xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "HourlyDaOperatingReserve" elements...-->
Element HourlyLmp
- Type: type_HourlyLmp
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyLmp xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element HourlyLmps
- Type: type_HourlyLmps
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyLmps xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "HourlyLmp" elements...-->
Element HourlyLoadForecast
- Type: type_HourlyLoadForecast
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyLoadForecast xmlns="">
Element HourlyLoadForecasts
- Type: type_HourlyLoadForecasts
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyLoadForecasts xmlns="">
<!--...more "HourlyLoadForecast" elements...-->
Element HourlyLoadGenInterchange
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyLoadGenInterchange xmlns="">
Element HourlyLoadGenInterchanges
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyLoadGenInterchanges xmlns="">
<!--...more "HourlyLoadGenInterchange" elements...-->
Element HourlyPeakEnergyRent
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyPeakEnergyRent xmlns="">
<Location CapacityZoneId="...">...</Location>
Element HourlyPeakEnergyRents
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyPeakEnergyRents xmlns="">
<Location CapacityZoneId="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "HourlyPeakEnergyRent" elements...-->
Element HourlyRcp
- Type: type_HourlyRcp
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyRcp xmlns="">
Element HourlyRcps
- Type: type_HourlyRcps
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyRcps xmlns="">
<!--...more "HourlyRcp" elements...-->
Element HourlyRtDemand
- Type: type_HourlyRtDemand
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyRtDemand xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element HourlyRtDemands
- Type: type_HourlyRtDemands
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyRtDemands xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "HourlyRtDemand" elements...-->
Element HourlyRtOperatingReserve
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyRtOperatingReserve xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element HourlyRtOperatingReserves
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlyRtOperatingReserves xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "HourlyRtOperatingReserve" elements...-->
Element HourlySystemLoad
- Type: type_HourlySystemLoad
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlySystemLoad xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element HourlySystemLoads
- Type: type_HourlySystemLoads
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HourlySystemLoads xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "HourlySystemLoad" elements...-->
Element LmpIndex
- Type: type_LmpIndex
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LmpIndex xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element LmpIndexes
- Type: type_LmpIndexes
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LmpIndexes xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "LmpIndex" elements...-->
Element LoadZoneNCPC
- Type: type_LoadZoneNCPC
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LoadZoneNCPC xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element LoadZoneNCPCs
- Type: type_LoadZoneNCPCs
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LoadZoneNCPCs xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "LoadZoneNCPC" elements...-->
Element Location
- Type: type_Location
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Location xmlns="">
Element LocationRef
- Type: type_LocationRef
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LocationRef xmlns="" LocId="..." LocType="...">...</LocationRef>
Element Locations
- Type: type_Locations
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Locations xmlns="">
<!--...more "Location" elements...-->
Element MonthlyLmpIndex
- Type: type_MonthlyLmpIndex
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MonthlyLmpIndex xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element MonthlyLmpIndexes
- Type: type_MonthlyLmpIndexes
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MonthlyLmpIndexes xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "MonthlyLmpIndex" elements...-->
Element MonthlyNetworkLoad
- Type: type_MonthlyNetworkLoad
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MonthlyNetworkLoad xmlns="">
Element MonthlyNetworkLoads
- Type: type_MonthlyNetworkLoads
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MonthlyNetworkLoads xmlns="">
<!--...more "MonthlyNetworkLoad" elements...-->
Element MonthlyPeakEnergyRent
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MonthlyPeakEnergyRent xmlns="">
<Location CapacityZoneId="...">...</Location>
Element MonthlyPeakEnergyRents
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MonthlyPeakEnergyRents xmlns="">
<Location CapacityZoneId="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "MonthlyPeakEnergyRent" elements...-->
Element MorningReport
- Type: type_MorningReport
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MorningReport xmlns="">
<!--...more "TieDelivery" elements...-->
<!--...more "InterchangeDetail" elements...-->
<!--...more "CityForecastDetail" elements...-->
Element MorningReports
- Type: type_MorningReports
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MorningReports xmlns="">
<!--...more "TieDelivery" elements...-->
<!--...more "InterchangeDetail" elements...-->
<!--...more "CityForecastDetail" elements...-->
<!--...more "MorningReport" elements...-->
Element NCPC
- Type: type_NCPC
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NCPC xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element NCPCMonthlyAsset
- Type: type_NCPCMonthlyAsset
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NCPCMonthlyAsset xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element NCPCMonthlyAssets
- Type: type_NCPCMonthlyAssets
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NCPCMonthlyAssets xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "NCPCMonthlyAsset" elements...-->
Element NCPCs
- Type: type_NCPCs
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NCPCs xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "NCPC" elements...-->
Element Op4Alert
- Type: type_Op4Alert
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Op4Alert xmlns="">
Element Op4Alerts
- Type: type_Op4Alerts
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Op4Alerts xmlns="">
<!--...more "Op4Alert" elements...-->
Element Outage
- Type: type_Outage
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Outage xmlns="">
Element Outages
- Type: type_Outages
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Outages xmlns="">
<!--...more "Outage" elements...-->
Element PerformanceScore
- Type: type_PerformanceScore
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PerformanceScore xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element PerformanceScores
- Type: type_PerformanceScores
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PerformanceScores xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "PerformanceScore" elements...-->
Element PowerSystemCondition
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PowerSystemCondition xmlns="">
Element PowerSystemConditions
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PowerSystemConditions xmlns="">
<!--...more "PowerSystemCondition" elements...-->
Element PowerSystemRegion
- Type: type_PowerSystemRegion
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PowerSystemRegion xmlns="">
Element PowerSystemRegions
- Type: type_PowerSystemRegions
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PowerSystemRegions xmlns="">
<!--...more "PowerSystemRegion" elements...-->
Element PowerSystemStatus
- Type: type_PowerSystemStatus
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PowerSystemStatus xmlns="">
<!--...more "Op4Alert" elements...-->
<!--...more "PowerSystemRegion" elements...-->
Element PrelimHourlyReservePrice
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PrelimHourlyReservePrice xmlns="">
Element PrelimHourlyReservePrices
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PrelimHourlyReservePrices xmlns="">
<!--...more "PrelimHourlyReservePrice" elements...-->
Element PriceRespEvent
- Type: type_PriceRespEvent
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PriceRespEvent xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element PriceRespEvents
- Type: type_PriceRespEvents
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PriceRespEvents xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "PriceRespEvent" elements...-->
Element RealTimeConstraint
- Type: type_RealTimeConstraint
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RealTimeConstraint xmlns="">
Element RealTimeConstraints
- Type: type_RealTimeConstraints
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RealTimeConstraints xmlns="">
<!--...more "RealTimeConstraint" elements...-->
Element ReliabilityRegionLoadForecast
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReliabilityRegionLoadForecast xmlns="">
Element ReliabilityRegionLoadForecasts
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReliabilityRegionLoadForecasts xmlns="">
<!--...more "ReliabilityRegionLoadForecast" elements...-->
Element Schedule2VarStatus
- Type: type_Schedule2VarStatus
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Schedule2VarStatus xmlns="">
Element Schedules2VarStatus
- Type: type_Schedules2VarStatus
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Schedules2VarStatus xmlns="">
<!--...more "Schedule2VarStatus" elements...-->
Element SeasonalPeakHourData
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SeasonalPeakHourData xmlns="">
Element SeasonalPeakHoursData
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SeasonalPeakHoursData xmlns="">
<!--...more "SeasonalPeakHourData" elements...-->
Element ServiceInfo
- Type: type_ServiceInfo
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServiceInfo xmlns="">
Element SevenDayForecast
- Type: type_SevenDayForecast
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SevenDayForecast xmlns="">
<MarketDay Day="...">
<!--...more "CityWeather" elements...-->
<MarketDay Day="...">
<!--...more "MarketDay" elements...-->
Element SevenDayForecasts
- Type: type_SevenDayForecasts
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SevenDayForecasts xmlns="">
<MarketDay Day="...">
<!--...more "CityWeather" elements...-->
<MarketDay Day="...">
<!--...more "MarketDay" elements...-->
<!--...more "SevenDayForecast" elements...-->
Element SevenDayWindForecast
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SevenDayWindForecast xmlns="">
<MarketDays Day="...">
<!--...more "MarketDateData" elements...-->
<MarketDays Day="...">
<!--...more "MarketDays" elements...-->
Element SevenDayWindForecasts
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SevenDayWindForecasts xmlns="">
<MarketDays Day="...">
<!--...more "MarketDateData" elements...-->
<MarketDays Day="...">
<!--...more "MarketDays" elements...-->
<!--...more "SevenDayWindForecast" elements...-->
Element SingleSrcContingencyLimit
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SingleSrcContingencyLimit xmlns="">
Element SingleSrcContingencyLimits
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SingleSrcContingencyLimits xmlns="">
<!--...more "SingleSrcContingencyLimit" elements...-->
Element Station
- Type: type_Station
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Station xmlns="">
Element Stations
- Type: type_Stations
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Stations xmlns="">
<!--...more "Station" elements...-->
Element SupplyCurvePair
- Type: type_SupplyCurvePair
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SupplyCurvePair xmlns="">
Element SupplyCurvePairs
- Type: type_SupplyCurvePairs
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SupplyCurvePairs xmlns="">
<!--...more "SupplyCurvePair" elements...-->
Element Ttc
- Type: type_Ttc
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Ttc xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "TtcLocation" elements...-->
<!--...more "TtcLocations" elements...-->
Element Ttcs
- Type: type_Ttcs
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Ttcs xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "TtcLocation" elements...-->
<!--...more "TtcLocations" elements...-->
<!--...more "Ttc" elements...-->
Element WeeklyLmpIndex
- Type: type_WeeklyLmpIndex
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<WeeklyLmpIndex xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element WeeklyLmpIndexes
- Type: type_WeeklyLmpIndexes
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<WeeklyLmpIndexes xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "WeeklyLmpIndex" elements...-->
Element WhlseCost
- Type: type_WhlseCost
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<WhlseCost xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
Element WhlseCosts
- Type: type_WhlseCosts
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<WhlseCosts xmlns="">
<Location LocId="..." LocType="...">...</Location>
<!--...more "WhlseCost" elements...-->
Element Years
- Type: type_Years
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Years xmlns="">
<!--...more "Year" elements...-->
Type type_ActualFifteenMinInterchange
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActInterchange (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Purchase (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Sale (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ActualFifteenMinInterchanges
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ActualFifteenMinInterchange (type_ActualFifteenMinInterchange) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ActualInterchange
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActInterchange (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Purchase (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Sale (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ActualInterchanges
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ActualInterchange (type_ActualInterchange) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_AlertAction
Possible Values
value | description |
Action 1 | |
Action 2 | |
Action 3 | |
Action 4 | |
Action 5 | |
Action 6 | |
Action 7 | |
Action 8 | |
Action 9 | |
Action 10 | |
Action 11 |
Type type_Auction
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Id (long) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Description (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ApprovalDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AuctionBeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CommitmentPeriod (type_Period) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_BilatClearedCapacityZone
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
CapacityZoneID (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CapacityZoneType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CapacityZoneName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TransferringApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AcquiringApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetCapacityApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedExternalInterfaces (type_BilatClearedInterfaces) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_BilatClearedCapacityZones
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ClearedCapacityZone (type_BilatClearedCapacityZone) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_BilatClearedInterface
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ExternalInterfaceId (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExternalInterfaceName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TransferringApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AcquiringApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetCapacityApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedInterfaces (type_BilatClearedInterfaces) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_BilatClearedInterfaces
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ClearedExternalInterface (type_BilatClearedInterface) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_BilatSystemResult
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
TransferringApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AcquiringApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetCapacityApproved (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedExternalInterfaces (type_BilatClearedInterfaces) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_CapacityRef
name | type | description |
CapacityZoneId | integer | (no documentation provided) |
- Type: string
(no documentation provided)
Type type_CapacityScarcityCondition
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
TradingIntervalBegin (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocationId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocationName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SystemCondition (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_CapacityScarcityConditions
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
CapacityScarcityCondition (type_CapacityScarcityCondition) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_CityForecastDetail
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
CityName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HighTemperature (long) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
WeatherConditions (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
WindDirSpeed (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_CityWeather
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
CityName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HighTempF (long) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DewPointF (long) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ClearedCapacityZone
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
CapacityZoneID (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CapacityZoneType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CapacityZoneName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SupplySubmitted (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DemandSubmitted (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SupplyCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DemandCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetCapacityCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISOSupplySubmitted (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISOSupplyCleared (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISODemandSubmitted (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISODemandCleared (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearingPrice (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedExternalInterfaces (type_ClearedInterfaces) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ClearedCapacityZones
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ClearedCapacityZone (type_ClearedCapacityZone) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ClearedInterface
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ExternalInterfaceId (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExternalInterfaceName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SupplySubmitted (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DemandSubmitted (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SupplyCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DemandCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetCapacityCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISOSupplySubmitted (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISOSupplyCleared (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearingPrice (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ClearedInterfaces
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ClearedExternalInterface (type_ClearedInterface) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_CombinedHourlyDemand
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_CombinedHourlyDemands
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
CombinedHourlyDemand (type_CombinedHourlyDemand) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Constraint
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ConstraintName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ContingencyName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
InterfaceFlag (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MarginalValue (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DailyFrmThresholdPrice
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ForwardReservedHeatRate (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
FuelIndex (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ForwardReserveThresholdPrice (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DailyFrmThresholdPrices
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
DailyFrmThresholdPrice (type_DailyFrmThresholdPrice) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DailyOfferThreshPrice
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OfferThreshPrice (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DailyOfferThreshPrices
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
DailyOfferThreshPrice (type_DailyOfferThreshPrice) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DayAheadConstraints
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
DayAheadConstraint (type_DayAheadConstraint) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DayAheadLmpAvgCongestion
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AvgOnPeakDaCongestion (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AvgOffPeakDaCongestion (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DayAheadLmpAvgCongestions
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
DayAheadLmpAvgCongestion (type_DayAheadLmpAvgCongestion) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DayAheadPrdClearing
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaClearedMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DayAheadPrdClearings
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
DayAheadPrdClearing (type_DayAheadPrdClearing) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DayAheadVirtualProxy
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OnPeakIncProxy (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OnPeakDecProxy (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OffPeakIncProxy (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OffPeakDecProxy (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ZonalLMPDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DayAheadVirtualProxys
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
DayAheadVirtualProxy (type_DayAheadVirtualProxy) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Demand
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Load (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DrDispatch
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EffectiveDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DispatchMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DrDispatches
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
DrDispatch (type_DrDispatch) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DrtpResult
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CaseId (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HistoricalThresholdPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DemandReductionThresholdPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegressionCoefficientA (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegressionCoefficientB (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegressionCoefficientC (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Rsquare (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TradingMonth (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReferenceMonth (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
FuelIndexTradingMonth (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
FuelIndexReferenceMonth (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PricePointLowerThreshold (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PricePointUpperThreshold (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AdjustedOfferCapacity (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_DrtpResults
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
DrtpResult (type_DrtpResult) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ExternalFlow
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActualFlow (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ImportLimit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExportLimit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CurrentSchedule (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Purchase (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Sale (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotalExports (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotalImports (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ExternalFlows
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ExternalFlow (type_ExternalFlow) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FCMBilateralResult
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Auction (type_Auction) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MonthlyResults (type_MonthlyResults) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FCMBilateralResults
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FCMBilateralResult (type_FCMBilateralResult) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FCMRAResult
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Auction (type_Auction) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedCapacityZones (type_ClearedCapacityZones) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SystemResults (type_SystemResults) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISOAuctionParticipation (type_ISOParticipation) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SystemDemandCurveResults (type_SystemDemandCurveResults) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FCMRAResults
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FCMRAResult (type_FCMRAResult) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FifteenMinBc
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Type (type_BCType) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ConstraintName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MarginalValueInterval (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MarginalValue (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HourEnd (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FifteenMinBcs
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FifteenMinBc (type_FifteenMinBc) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FifteenMinLmp
- Extends: type_Lmp
Type type_FifteenMinLmps
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FifteenMinLmp (type_Lmp) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FinalHourlyReservePrices
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FinalHourlyReservePrice (type_FinalHourlyReservePrice) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FiveMinLmp
- Extends: type_Lmp
Type type_FiveMinLmps
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FiveMinLmp (type_Lmp) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FiveMinRcp
- Extends: type_Rcp
Type type_FiveMinRcps
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FiveMinRcp (type_FiveMinRcp) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FiveMinReservePrices
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FiveMinReservePrice (type_FiveMinReservePrice) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FiveMinSystemLoad
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LoadMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NativeLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ArdDemand (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SystemLoadBtmPv (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NativeLoadBtmPv (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FiveMinSystemLoads
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FiveMinSystemLoad (type_FiveMinSystemLoad) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FtrAuctionClearingPrice
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
AuctionName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClassType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocationID (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocationName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocationType (type_LocationType) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearingPrice (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FtrAuctionClearingPrices
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FtrAuctionClearingPrice (type_FtrAuctionClearingPrice) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FtrAuctionResult
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
AuctionName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CustomerId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CustomerName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SourceLocation (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SourceLocationType (type_LocationType) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SinkLocation (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SinkLocationType (type_LocationType) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BuySell (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClassType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AwardFTRMW (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AwardFTRPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_FtrAuctionResults
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
FtrAuctionResult (type_FtrAuctionResult) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_GenFuelMix
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GenMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
FuelCategoryRollup (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
FuelCategory (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MarginalFlag (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_GenFuelMixes
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
GenFuelMix (type_GenFuelMix) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbArdBid
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedParticipantId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedAssetId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Claim10Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Claim30Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MinimumConsumption (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaximumConsumption (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Segments (type_Segments) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
UnitStatus (type_UnitStatus) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbDayAheadArdBids
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbDayAheadArdBid (type_HbArdBid) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbDayAheadDemandBid
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedParticipantId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedLocationId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocationType (type_LocationType) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BidType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BidId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Segments (type_Segments) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbDayAheadDemandBids
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbDayAheadDemandBid (type_HbDayAheadDemandBid) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbDayAheadDrrBids
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbDayAheadDrrBid (type_HbDrrBid) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbDayAheadEnergyOffers
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbDayAheadEnergyOffer (type_HbEnergyOffer) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffer
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedCustomerId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedAssetId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OfferMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OfferPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CurtailmentPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MinInterruptHours (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffers
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffer (type_HbDayAheadLoadResponseOffer) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbDrrBid
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Day (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HourEnd (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedParticipantId (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedAssetId (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaxDailyEnergy (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MinimumReduction (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaximumReduction (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
InterruptionCost (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Segments (type_Segments2) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Claim10Mw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Claim30Mw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
UnitStatus (type_UnitStatus2) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbEnergyOffer
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedParticipantId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedAssetId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MustTakeEnergy (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaxDailyEnergy (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EconomicMax (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EconomicMin (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ColdStartPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
IntermediateStartPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HotStartPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NoLoadPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Segments (type_Segments) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Claim10Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Claim30Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
UnitStatus (type_UnitStatus) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Hbfcmara
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Cp (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AucType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskResID (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskLPID (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskCZID (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ResType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskIntfcID (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BidType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg1Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg1Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg2Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg2Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg3Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg3Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg4Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg4Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg5Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg5Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Hbfcmaras
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Hbfcmara (type_Hbfcmara) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Hbfcmmra
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AucType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskResID (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskLPID (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskCZID (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ResType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskIntfcID (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BidType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg1Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg1Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg2Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg2Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg3Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg3Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg4Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg4Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg5Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Seg5Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Hbfcmmras
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Hbfcmmra (type_Hbfcmmra) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbForwardReserveAuctionOffer
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedCustomerId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReserveZone (type_ReserveLocRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ProductType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Segments (type_Segments) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbForwardReserveAuctionOffers
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbForwardReserveAuctionOffer (type_HbForwardReserveAuctionOffer) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbFTRAuction
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SourceLocation (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SourceLocationType (type_LocationType) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SinkLocation (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SinkLocationType (type_LocationType) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BuySell (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClassType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BidMW (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BidPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BidStatus (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AuctionName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedCustomerId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbFTRAuctions
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbFTRAuction (type_HbFTRAuction) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbImportExport
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MarketType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedCustomerId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedSourceId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedSinkId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EmergencyFlag (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Direction (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TransactionType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbImportExports
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbImportExport (type_HbImportExport) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbRealTimeArdBids
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbRealTimeArdBid (type_HbArdBid) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbRealTimeDrrBids
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbRealTimeDrrBid (type_HbDrrBid) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbRealTimeEnergyOffers
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbRealTimeEnergyOffer (type_HbEnergyOffer) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbRegulationOffer
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedParticipantId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MaskedAssetId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegulationCapability (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegulationOfferPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SelfScheduledRegulation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegulationLowLimit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegulationHighLimit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegulationStatus (type_RegStatus) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AutomaticResponseRate (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegulationServiceOfferPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegulationCapacityOfferPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
IntertemporalOpportunityCost (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HbRegulationOffers
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HbRegulationOffer (type_HbRegulationOffer) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyBAInterchange
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
InterfaceFlow (type_InterfaceFlow) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyBAInterchanges
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyBAInterchange (type_HourlyBAInterchange) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyDaDemand
- Extends: type_Demand
Type type_HourlyDaDemands
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyDaDemand (type_HourlyDaDemand) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyDaOperatingReserves
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyDaOperatingReserve (type_HourlyDaOperatingReserve) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyLmp
- Extends: type_Lmp
Type type_HourlyLmps
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyLmp (type_HourlyLmp) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyLoadForecast
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CreationDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LoadMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LoadAdjustmentMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetLoadMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyLoadForecasts
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyLoadForecast (type_HourlyLoadForecast) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyLoadGenInterchange
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Load (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NativeLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ArdDemand (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotalGeneration (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotalInterchange (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyLoadGenInterchanges
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyLoadGenInterchange (type_HourlyLoadGenInterchange) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyPeakEnergyRent
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_CapacityRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RTLMPLocation (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RTLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PERFuelType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
StrikePrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SystemLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ScaleFactor (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HourlyPER (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyPeakEnergyRents
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyPeakEnergyRent (type_HourlyPeakEnergyRent) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyRcp
- Extends: type_Rcp
Type type_HourlyRcps
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyRcp (type_HourlyRcp) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyRtDemand
- Extends: type_Demand
Type type_HourlyRtDemands
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyRtDemand (type_HourlyRtDemand) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlyRtOperatingReserves
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlyRtOperatingReserve (type_HourlyRtOperatingReserve) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlySystemLoad
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Load (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NativeLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ArdDemand (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_HourlySystemLoads
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourlySystemLoad (type_HourlySystemLoad) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_InterchangeDetail
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
TieName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ImportLimitInMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExportLimitOutMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ScheduledMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_InterfaceFlow
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BalancingAuthority (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActInterchange (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ISOParticipation
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ISOSupplySubmitted (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISODemandSubmitted (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISOSupplyCleared (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ISODemandCleared (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Lmp
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LmpTotal (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EnergyComponent (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CongestionComponent (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LossComponent (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_LmpIndex
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OnPeak (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OffPeak (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Average (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_LmpIndexes
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
LmpIndex (type_LmpIndex) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_LoadZoneNCPC
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaEconomicCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaHighVoltageCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaLowVoltageCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaLscprCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaScrCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtEconomicCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtHighVoltageCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtLowVoltageCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtPerfAuditCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtLscprCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtRrpocCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtDlocCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtScrCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_LoadZoneNCPCs
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
LoadZoneNCPC (type_LoadZoneNCPC) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Location
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
LocationID (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocationType (type_LocationType) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocationName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetworkNodeType (type_NetworkPnodeType) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AreaType (type_AreaType) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_LocationRef
name | type | description |
LocId | integer | (no documentation provided) |
LocType | type_LocationType | (no documentation provided) |
- Type: string
(no documentation provided)
Type type_Locations
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Location (type_Location) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_LocationType
Possible Values
value | description |
HUB | |
Type type_MarketDateData
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
HourEnding (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
WindPowerForecast (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MarketDateInfo
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
MarketDateData (type_MarketDateData) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MarketDay
name | type | description |
Day | int | (no documentation provided) |
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
MarketDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CsoMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ColdWeatherOutagesMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OtherGenOutagesMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DelistMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotAvailGenMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PeakImportMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotAvailGenImportMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PeakLoadMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReplReserveReqMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReqdReserveMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReqdReserveInclReplMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotLoadPlusReqdReserveMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DrrMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SurplusDeficiencyMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtegMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PowerWatch (type_FlagYn) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PowerWarn (type_FlagYn) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ColdWeatherWatch (type_FlagYn) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ColdWeatherWarn (type_FlagYn) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ColdWeatherEvent (type_FlagYn) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EnergyEmergency (type_FlagYn) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Weather (type_Weather) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MarketDays
name | type | description |
Day | int | (no documentation provided) |
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
MarketDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MarketDateInfo (type_MarketDateInfo) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MonthlyLmpIndex
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaOnPeakLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaOffPeakLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaAverageLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtOnPeakLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtOffPeakLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtAverageLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MonthlyLmpIndexes
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
MonthlyLmpIndex (type_MonthlyLmpIndex) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MonthlyNetworkLoad
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetworkLoadId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetworkLoadName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CustomerId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CustomerName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DunsNumber (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DunsName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReliabilityRegionId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReliabilityRegionName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LocalNetwork (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetworkLoadValueMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PoolNetworkLoadValueMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MonthlyNetworkLoads
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
MonthlyNetworkLoad (type_MonthlyNetworkLoad) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MonthlyPeakEnergyRent
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_CapacityRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MonthlyPER (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MonthlyPeakEnergyRents
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
MonthlyPeakEnergyRent (type_MonthlyPeakEnergyRent) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MonthlyResult
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Month (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedCapacityZones (type_BilatClearedCapacityZones) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SystemResult (type_BilatSystemResult) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MonthlyResults
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
MonthlyResult (type_MonthlyResult) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MorningReport
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ReportType (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CreationDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PeakLoadYesterdayHour (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PeakLoadYesterdayMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CsoMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CapAdditionsMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GenOutagesReductionMW (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
UncommittedAvailGenMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DRRCapacityMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
UncommitedAvailDRRMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetCapDeliveryMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TieDelivery (type_TieDelivery) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
TotAvailCapMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PeakLoadTodayHour (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PeakLoadTodayMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotalOperReserveReqMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CapRequiredMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SurplusDeficiencyMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReplReserveRequiredMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExcessCommitMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LargestFirstContMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AmsPeakLoadExpMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NyIsoSarAvail (type_FlagYn) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TenMinReserveReqMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TenMinReserveEstMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ThirtyMinReserveReqMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ThirtyMinReserveEstMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExpActOp4Mw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AddlCapAvailOp4ActMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
InterchangeDetail (type_InterchangeDetail) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
CityForecastDetail (type_CityForecastDetail) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
NonCommUnitsCapMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
UnitCommMinOrrCount (long) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
UnitCommMinOrrMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GeoMagDistForecast (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GeoMagDistAlert (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GeoMagDistIntensity (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GeoMagDistObsActivity (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GeoMagDistIsoAction (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GeoMagDistOthCntrAction (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_MorningReports
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
MorningReport (type_MorningReport) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_NCPC
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
NCPCType (type_NCPCType) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CreditType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaNcpcCharge (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtNcpcCharge (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NcpcCharge (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExternalNodeCharge (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RelRegnNetworkLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
VarNetworkLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
GpaRtlo (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtNcpcDeviations (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaNcpcLoadObligation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtNcpcLoadObligation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaNcpcChargeRate (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtNcpcChargeRate (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NcpcChargeRate (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExternalNodeChargeRate (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaGenObligation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaLoadObligation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtRrpLoadObligation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtDlocLoadObligation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_NCPCMonthlyAsset
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AssetId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AssetName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AssetType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaNcpcCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtNcpcCredit (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_NCPCMonthlyAssets
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
NCPCMonthlyAsset (type_NCPCMonthlyAsset) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_NCPCs
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
NCPC (type_NCPC) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_NCPCType
Possible Values
value | description |
GPA | |
VAR | |
RRP | |
Type type_Op4Alert
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
AlertId (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Status (type_AlertStatus) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Action (type_AlertAction) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActionDescription (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DateInEffect (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TimeIn (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TimeOut (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Op4Alerts
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Op4Alert (type_Op4Alert) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_OperatingReserve
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Econimic (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Rmr (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Var (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RmrVar (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EconomicMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EconomicCost (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RmrMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RmrCost (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
VarMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
VarCost (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RmrVarMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RmrVarCost (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotalMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotalCost (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Outage
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AppNumber (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Company1 (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Company2 (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ToStation (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
FromStation (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NonLineStation (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EquipType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EquipDesc (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Volt (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PlnStart (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PlnEnd (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActStart (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActEnd (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Status (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReqType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EcoFlag (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MtoFlag (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OvrFlag (type_FlagYn) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Outages
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Outage (type_Outage) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PerformanceScore
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Type (type_BCType) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TradingDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HourEnd (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CapacityScarcityConditionType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActualCapacityProvided (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RealTimeReserveDesignation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Load (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReserveRequirement (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CapacitySupplyObligation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BalancingRatio (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TradingInterval (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PerformanceScores
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
PerformanceScore (type_PerformanceScore) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Period
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Id (long) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Description (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EndDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ParentId (long) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PowerSystemCondition
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ReportedArea (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SystemCondition (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TimeIn (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TimeOut (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActionDescription (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Reason (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SortOrder (int) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PowerSystemConditions
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
PowerSystemCondition (type_PowerSystemCondition) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PowerSystemRegion
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
RegionId (integer) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegionName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Status (type_RegionStatus) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
StatusDescription (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DateUpdated (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PowerSystemRegions
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
PowerSystemRegion (type_PowerSystemRegion) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PowerSystemStatus
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Op4Alerts (type_Op4Alerts) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PowerSystemRegions (type_PowerSystemRegions) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PrelimHourlyReservePrices
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
PrelimHourlyReservePrice (type_PrelimHourlyReservePrice) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PriceRespEvent
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Program (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
EventId (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegionId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
StartTime (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RestoreTime (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_PriceRespEvents
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
PriceRespEvent (type_PriceRespEvent) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Rcp
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegClearingPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegServiceClearingPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RegCapacityClearingPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HourEnd (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_RealTimeConstraints
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
RealTimeConstraint (type_RealTimeConstraint) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_RegionStatus
Possible Values
value | description |
Normal | |
Power Caution | |
Power Watch | |
Power Warning | |
Cold Weather Watch Conditions | |
Cold Weather Warning Conditions | |
Cold Weather Event Conditions | |
Master/Local Control Center 2 Alert | |
Energy Emergency |
Type type_ReliabilityRegionLoadForecast
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CreationDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReliabilityRegion (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LoadMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReliabilityRegionLoadPercentage (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ReliabilityRegionLoadForecasts
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
ReliabilityRegionLoadForecast (type_ReliabilityRegionLoadForecast) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ReserveLocRef
name | type | description |
LocId | integer | (no documentation provided) |
- Type: string
(no documentation provided)
Type type_ReservePrice
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReserveZoneId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReserveZoneName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TenMinSpinRequirement (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Total10MinRequirement (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Total30MinRequirement (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TmsrDesignatedMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TmnsrDesignatedMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TmorDesignatedMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TmsrClearingPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TmnsrClearingPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TmorClearingPrice (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
IntervalBeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Schedule2VarStatus
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReportDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AssetId (integer) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AssetName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AssetType (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LeadStatusEffDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LeadTestDueDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LeadProgStatus (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LagStatusEffDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LagTestDueDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LagProgStatus (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LagTestMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LagQualVarCap (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LeadQualVarCap (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotQualVarCap (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Schedules2VarStatus
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Schedule2VarStatus (type_Schedule2VarStatus) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SeasonalPeakHourData
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
HourlyPeakLoad (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SystemPeakForecast (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SettlementStatus (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SeasonalPeakHoursData
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
SeasonalPeakHourData (type_SeasonalPeakHourData) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Segment
name | type | description |
Number | integer | (no documentation provided) |
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Segment2
name | type | description |
Number | integer | (no documentation provided) |
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Price (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Mw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Segments
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Segment (type_Segment) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Segments2
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Segment (type_Segment2) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_ServiceInfo
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
LatestBeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CreationDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SevenDayForecast
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MarketDay (type_MarketDay) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
CreationDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SevenDayForecasts
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
SevenDayForecast (type_SevenDayForecast) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SevenDayWindForecast
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MarketDays (type_MarketDays) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
CreationDate (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SevenDayWindForecasts
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
SevenDayWindForecast (type_SevenDayWindForecast) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SingleSrcContingencyLimit
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtFlowMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
LowestLimitMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DistributionFactor (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
InterfaceName (string) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ActMarginMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
AuthorizedMarginMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
BaseLimitMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SingleSrcContingencyMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SingleSrcContingencyLimits
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
SingleSrcContingencyLimit (type_SingleSrcContingencyLimit) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Station
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
StationName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
StationType (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Stations
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Station (type_Station) | 1/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SupplyCurvePair
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
CumulativeSupplyMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OfferPrice (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TradingMonth (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ReferenceMonth (dateTime) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SupplyCurvePairs
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
SupplyCurvePair (type_SupplyCurvePair) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SystemDemandCurveResults
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
SubmittedRepresentativeCsoMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SubmittedSdcMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedRepresentativeCsoMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedSdcMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ClearedNetCapacityMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_SystemResults
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
SupplySubmitted (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SupplyCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DemandSubmitted (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DemandCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NetCapacityCleared (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_TieDelivery
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
TieName (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TieFlowMw (decimal) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Ttc
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TtcLocations (type_TtcLocations) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_TtcLocation
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ImportLimitMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ExportLimitMw (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_TtcLocations
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
TtcLocation (type_TtcLocation) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Ttcs
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Ttc (type_Ttc) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Weather
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
CityWeather (type_CityWeather) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_WeeklyLmpIndex
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaOnPeakLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaOffPeakLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DaAverageLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtOnPeakLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtOffPeakLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtAverageLMP (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_WeeklyLmpIndexes
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
WeeklyLmpIndex (type_WeeklyLmpIndex) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_WhlseCost
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
BeginDate (dateTime) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Hour (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
OnOff (string) | 1/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Location (type_LocationRef) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Lmp (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Capacity (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
FirstC (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
SecondC (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Regulation (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
FwdRsv (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RtRsv (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Inadv (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
MLRF (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
ARR (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
DRRCost (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
PRD (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Sched2 (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Sched3 (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
NEPOOL (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
TotalCost (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
RTLO (decimal) | 0/1 | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_WhlseCosts
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
WhlseCost (type_WhlseCost) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |
Type type_Years
Child Elements
name (type) | min/max occurs |
description |
Year (string) | 0/unbounded | (no documentation provided) |